The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69112   Message #1169333
Posted By: Risky Business
23-Apr-04 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
Subject: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
I've been hanging out in Massachusetts, where Sen. Kerry got his political start. People here have been mentioning the situation wherein Kerry, a Catholic, might be denied communion in a Catholic Church due to his pro-choice stance.

I am interested in soliciting opinions from people and not in arguing, since this is an issue where I think people will be firmly entrenched, so what I'm after is:

1) Should Catholic Priests offer Sen. Kerry communion or not?

2) Should Sen. Kerry himself take communion in Church?

Why does the Catholic Church define personhood as emanating fromt the moment of conception? Is this the same reason as the Baptist Church, which holds a similar opinion?