The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69112   Message #1169408
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
23-Apr-04 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
These questions should be left between Kerry and his priest.

I don't practice a religion, and am an ardent opponent of the often homogeneous overarching influence of most organized religions. I resent (am insulted by!) religion being used as the justification for war, for acts of violence, and for laws that restrict others' rights. At the same time, I also resent the speculation about what goes on between a person and their church. To say that I don't practice a religion is NOT the same as saying I have no thoughts or practices of spirituality. I can think of no context in which I should have to explain, describe, or defend my personal spiritual believes or practices. On that basis, I have to give the same courtesy to any of the candidates. Now if Dubya is so stupid as to tell Woodward and the world that he consulted his god and decided to go to war because of that, then that god needs to be examined.

And I wonder what the conversation is like around the extended Bush family dinner table this week:

George H. W. Bush: "I heard your speech on tv this week. The one about Iraq."

George Dubya: "Yeah, I put the shame on them, how could they ask me to abandon the Iraqi people before everything is up and that nation is restored."

George H. W. Bush: "Er, Yes. You said 'this time we're not going to cut and run. . .'"

George Dubya: "Ooops, Dad. Forgot that was you. . ."