The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69123   Message #1169799
Posted By: Deckman
24-Apr-04 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: Bloody Morons...! (accordion)
Subject: RE: Bloody Morons...!
Hey, I can add something to this thread that is similiar but ends on a positive note. Not my usual style, but whatever!

Back in the 1950's, in the Seattle area, my good friend Ken bought five boxes of a musical instrument. No one really knew what it was, but for fifty cents, he figured he couldn't go wrong.

Those boxes survived intact until he passed away seven years ago. Since then, I have been helping his widow in the building of her new home. I also took the olde house apart. In doing that, I discovered these five boxes. They lived in my shop for a couple for years until I knew that I was NOT the person to figure out what it was and restore it.

"Bride Judy" suggested we give the boxes to a man she knew that builds steam calliopies as a hobby. I did this a year and a half ago. Sometime in the next few weeks, we are all invited to hear the first performance on this antique and restored BARREL ORGAN. Cheers, Bob