The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69123   Message #1170010
Posted By: GUEST,Guess Who
24-Apr-04 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: Bloody Morons...! (accordion)
Subject: RE: Bloody Morons...!
Well I'm going to hit back at some of you for some of the things that have been said; I can't but defend my favoured instrument, the accordion. I enjoy to hear any well-played instrument, and have a fairly large collection of all sorts, but I particularly love the accordion. If we all loved a particular instrument and none of the others were played, life would be bloody boring wouldn't it? We all know the joke about what's the difference between a trampoline and a banjo/accordion/autoharp/bagpipes/ad nauseum, and the answer is that you take off your shoes before you jump on a trampoline - my particular aversion is to "finger in the ear" folk songs with 99 dismal verses all with a chorus......