The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67617 Message #1171222
Posted By: Bob Bolton
26-Apr-04 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: The Stable Lad (Cobb and Co.)
Subject: RE: Chord Req: The Stable lad ( Cobb and Co.)
G'day Don Meixner,
When I first saw this thread, I thought the order of the verses was odd ... not, presumably from my very distant memory of the song (I only remembered vaguely ... from the Buller to the Grey ...) but from the sense of the song.
Since then my copy of An Ordinary Joker - the life and songs of Peter Cape has arrived and this song is on p. 76. The Chords (in the key of G) are essentially as you quote - but the first verse is the one starting: "I've neatsfoot on my fingers ..." and the verse starting: "When Cobb & Co ran coaches ..." (and referring to the death of his girl) comes, as it seemed logical, last.
I wonder how this verse promoted itself, at the expense of the logical and order of the song ... ?