The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13933   Message #117191
Posted By: Rick Fielding
24-Sep-99 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: Musical Ettiquette 2:Guitar vs. voice
Subject: RE: Musical Ettiquette 2:Guitar vs. voice
Oh Lordy, after my rambling post on your thread Barbara...this comes up! Ya can't fight rudeness without losing friends! When I tried to suggest ways of respecting music and musicians (like getting in tune and not playing along if you don't know the song) at the Country Music Store Jam sessions, I was accused of trying to make everybody "professional"!! That is why some folk are forced into "private jams or sessions" which can get a lot of flack here at Mudcat. They're often not running away from those with lesser music skills, just lesser social skills.
