The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67617 Message #1171913
Posted By: Bob Bolton
27-Apr-04 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: The Stable Lad (Cobb and Co.)
Subject: RE: Chord Req: The Stable lad ( Cobb and Co.)
G'day Don,
We might have to wait a while to ask Gordon Bok anything, here in the Antipodes ... I understand we were pretty lucky to have him visit last year - I gather he doesn't really think that flying machines are the right way to cross oceans!
Please don't think I having a whinge about your (Gordon's ... maybe even Phil's) choice of verse order - it just struck me, personally, that the verse was a bit early ... then I saw that the song in the Peter Cape book was in the order I would have expected and could not resist commenting. Whatever works for you ... works.