The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69203   Message #1172573
Posted By: Gray D
27-Apr-04 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: yodel-ay-ee-oooo
Subject: RE: yodel-ay-ee-oooo
Joe Offer,

There's a majestic version of "Naduri", a work song, on the Rustavi Choir's CD "Mirangula" - Sony St. Petersburg Classics label - SMK 66 588. The Krimanchuli is just after the start and you may get a feel of the Georgian scale by the fact that the top notes sound slightly "off" to the western ear - if, of course, western ears are what you have. Though my teacher, Edischer, thought that the Rustavi's were "westernising" their sound somewhat on their recordings.

. . . it's followed by a spine tingling version of the gorgeous "Tsintskaro" as well . . . and then there's"Daigvianes" . . . and "Chela" . . . and "Mirangula" itself . . . erm, it's a good album.

Gray D