The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69263   Message #1173083
Posted By: Dave Bryant
28-Apr-04 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Folk BBQ in SE London, Sun 6th June
Subject: Folk BBQ in SE London, Sun 6th June
Since I am about to start brewing the beer, I suppose it is time to make a full announcement that Linda (Essex Girl) and I are planning a Barbecue at our place at Mottingham, near Eltham on Sunday 6th June, 2pm - oblivion. My 60th birthday is 9 days later (but the following weekends are Maidstone Watt Tyler Festival and Knockholt) - so this will serve as a celebration that I will (probably) be reaching this interesing age. It will be a similiar "Bring it and Burn it" format to the ones which many of you have attended in the past - here and here are the threads for the ones which we held last year and you can find some piccies here in member's photos.

You should find top end of our garden greatly improved since last year, with more grass to sit on, and the new pond is finished complete with waterfall and expectorating frog. Barbecueing the goldfish is not permitted.

More details later, if you haven't been to one of our BBQs before - try looking at the links above.