The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1173597
Posted By: Bobert
28-Apr-04 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Native azaleas in full bloom tonight. One we scavenged from the mountain about 4 years ago has finally bloomed for the first time and it is a hot pink! And beautiful, indeed. Another savenged on4e is a ligt pink and is absolutely loaded with blooms. The hydrangas are swelling and the oak leaf up about 6 feet tall. The ostich fern has sent up 4 babies and they have come up right in the middle of a righteous stand of yellow bell. Several serious stands of Solomon's Seal (both real and false) are coming up along the paths in the woods along with Jack-in-the-Pulpits coming up everywhere. The larkspur has beautiful little blueish purple blooms. Bleeding Hearts (both white and pink) in full bloom. Hypatica mounding like crazy. Trillium in full bloom. We have the native maroon and the rarer native yellow plus some white, which I think has sported or mutated, that we ordered from a wild flower nursery in N. Caroline. Govenor Muton Rhodo, who is purdy danged tough to please, is going to bless us with two of his maroonish blooms any day now. The foam flower that we planted 2 years along the run odd creek has made so many babies its unreal and now lines a 20 foot section of the creek as does this dwarf iris and behind it lots and lots of black kohosh that I've been finding in the woods and moving into that area... My euphorbia bed is kicking some butt and I'm going to let it go this year since it is a new bed but will deadhead it next year since it is somewhat invasive...

My mahonias aren't doing well at all. This is their third year and I'm loosing lots of leaves during the winter. We cut on almost to the ground as an experiement. It's alive so we'll just have to wait it out and see if thet may be the way to go.

We lost one Cady Tuff to voles and bought one to replace it. The other two have mounded to about 2 feet wide with lots and lots of white flowers...

Oh, I love spring...

Gonna get potatos planted in the next couple of days. Have lettuce in but taht's all so far in the veggie department....

Oh, I love spring...
