The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69176   Message #1173726
Posted By: GUEST,Ron Davies
28-Apr-04 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: US poised to attack Najaf & Falluja
Subject: RE: BS: US poised to attack Najaf & Falluja
Justa Picker--

So, those of us not willing to salute Bush's failed policy in Iraq are traitors, eh?
You may be an excellent guitarist but your political thinking leaves something to be desired. If you are a typical Bush voter, Lord help the US.

In today's Wall St, Journal, that well-known leftist rag (perhaps I should say WKLR), there is a column citing retired Gen. Odom, who also predicts no good outcome in Iraq.(yes, I know he did not support the war from the start) (Is he a traitor too? Is the WSJ traitorous for printing this column?)

His view is that when there are elections, Iraq will likely get an extremely intolerant Islamic republic. Will this be fine with you and the other Bush voters? Will it be worth all the dead? (not just Americans). He also predicts this republic may well be an enthusiastic supporter of international terrorism. Is this your goal? The more Iraqis Bush kills, particularly women and children---collateral damage, right?---but unfortunately just as dead as if targeted, and, broadcast on Al-Jazeera, perfect
propaganda for yet more suicide bombers,-- the more likely this outcome.

By the way, I am a veteran--3 years in the Army --are you? I did not serve in combat. If you did I have a lot of respect for you, but if not....

I'm also a registered Republican, but I'm not an automaton; rather a thinking person (such Republicans do exist). Of course Bush is proud that he doesn't like or trust "intellectuals". I "make no pretense to intellectual eminence or scholarship sublime" but....the feeling is mutual. I'm also not one who voted for W, Daddy , or Ronald Ray-Gun. I'm more a Teddy Roosevelt Republican (though he also engaged in ill-advised foreign adventures--far more were killed in the Philippines than during the Spanish-American War.) I believe in anti-trust and conservation--Bush believes in neither (see the slap on the wrist given to Microsoft, and the continuing pressure on the Arctic wildlife refuge.) These days I might be a John McCain, Arlen Spector, or Richard Lugar
Republican, all of whom have voted against Bush and his Neanderthals on various issues.

In fact, I disown Bush as a Republican. If he wants to disown me, fine. The difference of course is that he may need me and voters of like mind, but I sure as hell don't need him.

If you believe that anybody who does not support Bush's policy in Iraq is a traitor, you'd best brush the dust off the Constitution and the Declaration and re-read them.