The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1173882
Posted By: greg stephens
29-Apr-04 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
WEll, we've had seven kinds of butterfly so far this year, which isnt bad for April in the middle of an industrial city (Stoke,UK). Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, peacock, Speckled Wood, cabbage White, Small Blue and Orange Tip. No Commas yet, which is a bit surprising as they are normally early.
   Today we have a fine Aoril display of flowers in the wild bit: bluebells, wild garlic and the apple blossom are fully out, and looking gorgeous. The cowslips look great (bit of a cheat, I bought a plant and put it in to see how it takes). The celandines and daffodils are finished now bit looked great a few weeks back.
      The best colour is a whole drift of forget-me-nots which have just appeared from nowhere. We hacked back the damson trees last year, and that let some light onto a patch of ground that was only growing brambles. And now there is a dense mass of forget-me-nots there. A wonderful sight. How they got there I dont know. Maybe the seeds have been there dormant for a while perhaps? One theory is that there is quite a lot of birdshit around where the flowers are. Perhaps some roosting bird in previous years had a taste for chewing on foget-me-not heads and excreting the seeds?