The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69303   Message #1174362
Posted By: Mudlark
29-Apr-04 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: Alive!
Subject: RE: Alive!
Susan...very glad to hear your world has brightened! And all other good news here, too.

I've just come in from digging in the garden. My new hip wont take too much of that but it is a joy to be able to do it at all. And, this Sat. I've been asked to do a paying gig (until now thought that was, for me, anyway, an oxymoron). I'm to be "gate entertainment" at a big acoustic music festival, playing for all those waiting in line to buy tickets, and get in.   I was so astounded to be asked that I agreed immediately, and only when the glow wore off did I take in that I'd be playing from 8:30-10...on the morning. Lordy, I can barely remember my name that early, I'm a night owl. Just hope adrenalin will come to my aid. Scary, but exciting as well.