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Thread #69027   Message #1174451
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Apr-04 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: Silver Burdett School Songbooks
Subject: Index: Making Music Your Own 5 (Silver Burdett)
Book: Making Music Your Own
Author: Beatrice Landeck, Elizabeth Crook, Harold C. Youngberg
Illustration: Leo & Diane Dillon (psychedelic, almost)
Publisher: Silver Burdett
Series: (Making Music Your Own?)
Grade: 5
Date: 1971

A la claire fontaine (The Crystal Fountain)
Above the Plain
Adieu to My Comrades (Fareweel to Tarwathie)
Ah, No, My Dear Mama
Alegria, alegria, alegria
Ali, alo
Allá en el rancho grande (My Ranch)
America, the Beautiful
Ancient Temple, The
Angels Divine Are Whispering (Entre le boeuf et l'âne gris)
At the Blacksmith

Baked Potato
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Beside the Sea
Birch Tree, The
Black Sheep
Blow the Man Down
Bonsoir, mes amis (Goodnight, My Friends)
Calm on the Listening Ear
Canoe Round
Chairs to Mend
Chanukah, Oh, Chanukah
Come, Good Fellows
Come, Let's Dance
Crystal Fountain, The (A la claire fontaine)
De la locomotora
Deck the Hall
Dogie Song
Don't Stay Away
Down the Ohio
Drill, Ye Tarriers

El payo (The Lazy Cowpoke)
En roulant ma boule
Entre le boeuf et l'âne gris (Angels Divine Are Whispering)
Erie Canal
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Ezekiel Saw the Wheel

First Nowell, The
Fisherman, The
Frog and the Mouse, The

Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Goodnight, My Friends (Bonsoir, mes amis)

Hammer Man
Heidi pupeidi
Hill an' Gully
Home on the Range
Hunting Round
Huron Carol, The

I'm Gonna Sing

John Henry
John Kanaka
Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
Joyous Chanukah

La primavera (Springtime)
Las estrellitas del cielo
(Stars of the Heavens)
Lazy Cowpoke, The (El Pavo)
Linstead Market
Long Live the Canadian Girl! (Vive Ia Canadienne!)
Los tres Santos Reyes (Three Holy Kings)
Lots o' Fish in Bonavist' Harbor
Lovely Hala Trees (Nani Wale Na Hala)

Meng Chiang Nyu's Lament
Michie Banjo
My Partner, If He Would Only Dance
My Ranch (Allá en el rancho grande)

Nani Wale Na Hala (Lovely Hala Trees)
Navaho Happy Song
No One Knows
Now Let Me Fly

Oh, Didn't He Ramble
Oh, Lemuel
Oh, No, John!
Old Abe Lincoln
Old Joe Clark
Old Polina
On Top of Old Smoky

Pick a Bale o' Cotton

Railroad Cars Are Coming, The
Red River Valley
Riflemen of Bennington
Roll On, Columbia
Rooster, The
Round of Seasons, The

San Sereni
Sepp, Don't Go!
Shalom, My Good Friends (Shalom, Chaverim)
Silent Night
Soldier, Soldier
Spring Has Come
Spring Song
Springtime (La primavera)
Stars of the Heavens (Las estrellitas del cielo)
Star-Spangled Banner, The

There Was a Good Old Woman
This Land Is Your Land
Three Holy Kings (Los tres Santos Reyes)
Tuku, tuku
Twelve Days of Christmas, The
Tzena, tzena

Vive la Canadienne! (Long Live the Canadian Girl!)

Wanderer's Song
Wandering Canadian, The
We Gather Together
When the Saints Go Marching In
While Strolling One Day
Whoa! Ha! Buck
Who'll Dance with Mary

Young Girl and the Bird, The

Code on back is 75 365 (Teacher's Edition) - Identified inside as 5th grade