The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69305 Message #1174758
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
30-Apr-04 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: May Day
Subject: RE: May Day
Scooby: May Day Celebration 1 May 2004 Museum of Welsh Life, St Fagans
The summer starts here! Traditionally, May Day marked the start of the summer, and at the Museum of Welsh Life the tradition continues. Cardiff Folk Dance Company will be on site to perform traditional dances and to raise the Maypole, while there'll be a rare chance to enjoy a Mummers' Play, along with a Victorian Fair, puppet shows and craft demonstrations. The Glamorgan Iron Horse Society will also be on site with their collection of vintage machinery.
for more detail see St Fagans Folk Museum (re-named the National Museum of Welsh Life sometime during the last 30 years)