The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69287   Message #1174772
Posted By: GUEST,Ellenpoly
30-Apr-04 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: Time Travel
Subject: RE: Time Travel
Ooh! Just thought of another good book (sorry guys, but most things remind me of books) on the subject. The whole series by Diana Gabaldon is called "Outlander" with the first book being "Cross Stitch" (at least on one side of the Atlantic).

The premise of these books are about a 20th Century woman walking through some standing stones in Scotland, to live another life in the 18th Century. She had been a nurse, and therefore becomes a wisewoman, and later a doctor...and the research done on both the history and medicine of the time makes it an above average historical novel.

I bring it up because of the above posting on what Dave the Nome would bring back into time if he were travelling (antibiotics). Also, the 18th Century was an amazing period of time, covering everything from the Battle of Culloden, to the Court of Louis 15th, to the American Revolution...xx..e