The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13933   Message #117502
Posted By: emily rain
24-Sep-99 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: Musical Ettiquette 2:Guitar vs. voice
Subject: RE: Musical Ettiquette 2:Guitar vs. voice
i'm in total agreement with liam, jr, and francis black. : ) i'm also frankly appalled that peter paul and mary would instruct the audience not to sing. were they worried about the recording? some skilled usage of directional microphones could solve that without the rudeness that, in my opinion, just reinforces the notion that regular people can't sing. how can they call themselves folk musicians?

at a jam i think it's essential to choose your material to suit the venue. if it's a place where people play along, then do something with which they can play along. save your more difficult stuff for the places where people are happy to listen quietly.

'spaw, i've been tempted lately to learn how to crochet specifically so i can do it at the local jam sessions. : ) i play guitar, but i'm not at all happy with my skill level, so rather than ruin other people's music i let the guitar rest most of the time. i feel a little wierd sitting with my hands folded in my lap... sometimes i catch myself fidgeting madly. i had been thinking that it might be easier to look focused and interested in what the rest of the group was doing if my hands had something else to do. perhaps i am wrong?