The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69303   Message #1175363
Posted By: Áine
30-Apr-04 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: Alive!
Subject: RE: Alive!
I'm breaking in my new hiking boots, and enjoying my new 'do' -- I tried growing my hair long and just couldn't take it anymore -- SHORT rules!! Caitlin and I are leaving at 6:30 am tomorrow morning to attend our first Girl Scout campout. The bluebonnets are in bloom and the skeeters are a bitin' . . . all things are right in this little corner of Texas . . . what else could I ask for? Oh yeah, my father-in-law has finished the mandolin he was making for me, and I'll get it on Mothers Day, two days ahead of my birthday.

Couldn't ask for more at the moment ;-)

All the best, Áine