The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69328   Message #1175373
Posted By: GUEST
30-Apr-04 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: assaults on teachers
Subject: RE: BS: assaults on teachers
((((dianavan)))) Sorry to hear this Happened to you. In answer to your questions:
Is this fair to the other students? No. But then I find a lot of what is going on in Schools today to be unfair to normal kids. "no Child left behind" sounds great in theory but in practice it has some serious problems.

Should the student be suspended? Yes, and I think if he stays in your class he needs a full time attendant to help with such problems

Should the student be expelled? no

Should the student be transferred to a special class? Possibly, if attacks like this continue and the parents refuse other ways of deakling with it
Should I call the Union? YES!!!!! For your own protection

Should I return to work? Do you feel comfortable and sfe.

Should I sue? Not sure you can

What do I do until this situation is resolved? Insist that there be another adult there to deal with him and his issues.

As to where Special Needs kids where , when we were kids, well as a Special Needs person I can tell you we were either in your classes being treaetd like crap by our fellows and often the teachers or, in our own classes so the teachers and students in the other classes didn't have to deal with us.
Now the pendulum has swung the other, too far I think. THere aer some students who will just never be able to learn at grade level ( or behave appropriately) and expecting them to does a disservice to everyone the teacher, other student and most of all the special needs kids themselves. JMHO