The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #1175662
Posted By: Naemanson
01-May-04 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam
Work on the canoe is coming along very well. All we need to do now is finish the decking on the outrigger, mount the tam, set up the ep-ep, and smooth out the damage to the bottom and we will be finished. Today they tied the new motongor into place and reattached the gunnel at that end. There is a chance that they will use a picture of the Quest in the new Max Havoc movie they are now shooting on the island.

Gordon and I went up to Latte canopies to get the new canopy to put over the canoe. Our old canopy is too small and the ends of the canoe hang out in the weather. The new one is 30' by 30'. We'll be able to get the canoe and a visitor canoe in there. Later on we'll build a new canoe house but for now it has to be the canopy.

I don't think I've mentioned the canopies on Guam. They are everywhere. If you need additional space you put up a canopy. They are simple metal frames with silver colored plastic canvas over the top. They rarely have sides. Need a garage? Party space? Shade for a big job? Place to sleep after the typhoon takes out the power? Put up a canopy.