The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69303   Message #1175868
Posted By: annamill
01-May-04 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: Alive!
Subject: RE: Alive!
I had my doubts but I planted my climbing rose with big orange flowers in a big pot anyway. It's been in my apartment near the window until last week when I put it outside. I thought for sure it was gonna die. It didn't show any signs of life and one of the branches was losing it's greenness and turning brown.

It finally warmed up so I put the big pot out on my balcony to get some fresh air and sun.

Two days ago I went out on my little balcony and there they were, sprouts coming out of my rose bush. It only needed fresh air, a little natural rain. Pretty soon I'll have big, beautiful orange roses growing up the trellis.

Alive!! Yeah!!

Funny how small thing can make your life seem better. Or maybe it's the sun and warmth.

Love, Annamill (looking forward to moving to where it's warm)