The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69284   Message #1176041
Posted By: akenaton
01-May-04 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Subject: RE: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Doug ... You and your allies on the right should be apologising for your stance on this issue right from the start.
Iv watched with amazement,your pathetic sqirming, as the "coalition " lurches from one disaster to the next.
I fail to see how any honourable person can attempt to justify the actions of our idiot leaders.
The amount of public feeling against this war,from people in all walks of life ,not just "leftyCommies",should have sent warning signs ,even to the most blinkered of observers.
Not one of you "warriors " who post on Mudcat have had the guts to admit that you were wrong and that the whole enterprise has been "Horse Pucky".
Take a look at the postings of McGrath, who ,even when the war seemed to be going well,according to the right wing press,continually warned that it was a disaster and would end in more,not less terrorism.
Mind you I dont think McGrath realised the terrorism would be committed by "Coalition troops"....Ake