The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68859   Message #1176082
Posted By: Bat Goddess
01-May-04 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon Hospitalized
Subject: RE: Curmudgeon Hospitalized

Got home about 15 minutes ago -- I've been schlepping stuff in from the car, mostly those great floral arrangements and plants. I thought the flowers he had while at Wentworth Douglass were great, but this most recent batch is stunning -- and they're all designed by Flora Ventures in Newmarket, NH where a friend works.

Stopped at the grocery store on the way home so Tom could get in another walk on a level surface. (Not likely on the roads around our house.) Oh, and we had to stop off at the pharmacy on the way home. Uh huh. Some of the prescriptions were fairly inexpensive. Problem is, the others . . . weren't. Talk about sticker shock. Some of them may be able to be back billed through Avis Goodwin, but they're not open on weekends and he HAD to have the meds today. Ah well. I'll be up to my eyeballs in paperwork for some time.

When Tom went in to the hospital, it was still winter. Today he was overjoyed to see the forsythia blooming, the trees leafing out, flowers all over the place. And he didn't need the jacket that was still in the car -- it was around 90.

It's sooooooo great to have him home!
