The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69396   Message #1176605
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-May-04 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was the patron Saint of what????
Subject: RE: BS: Who was the patron Saint of what????
St. Ilton, cheesemakers

St. Anza, poets

St. Alactite and St. Alagmite, spelunkers

St. Alemate, chess players

St. Aphylococcus, germ warfare scientists

St. Arrghboard, sailors

St. Ereotype, flamers

St. Ethoscope, spies

St. Etson, hatmakers

St. Ickler, fussbudgets

St. Igmata, young Catholic girls

St. Imulation, pornographers

St. Ipulation, mediators

St. Irrup, saddlers

St. Ochastic, "other side" seers   

St. Ooge, the Fine and Howard families

St. Rychnine, poisoners

St. Ubble, makers of razors

St. Ubborn, Mudcatters
