The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69396   Message #1176641
Posted By: Mooh
02-May-04 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was the patron Saint of what????
Subject: RE: BS: Who was the patron Saint of what????
Leadfingers...Yeah, you're right, but I hang out in two of them...LOL!

St. Ench, of pollution.

St. Ink, of diariah.

St. Irfry, of yesterday's indigestion.

St. Ratford, of theatre.

St. Iff, of boners...or was that St. Ud?

St. Itch, of vasectomies.

St. Yrene, of plastics and other uncompostables. (Irene is also my mother-in-law's name, kinda fitting.)

Peace, Mooh.