The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69396   Message #1176677
Posted By: open mike
02-May-04 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who was the patron Saint of what????
Subject: RE: BS: Who was the patron Saint of what????
I should have left well enough alone, as that last comment
would make a perfect last post...but...
st. able, patron saint of race horses
st. ory, patron saint of children's bed time
st. eeple, patron saint of church spires
st. eam, patron saint of engines and vegetables
st. eak, patron saint of carnivores
st. ink, patron saint of sewers
st. umble, patron saint of trippers and fallers
(wouldn't this be the of dr.s and nurses and E.M.T.s
rather than spies? -->> St. Ethoscope, spies)