The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1176691
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-May-04 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
I not only pulled myself out of my sickbed today, I think I conquered this stupid bug. I went out this afternoon and dug up the Bermuda in one bed and I finally put some steel edging around it. Tomorrow after work I'll put down compost, newspaper, and mulch, to try to keep the Bermuda out. I filled the wheelbarrow full of the weeds three times, and I left a lot of the dirt on them this time because by past experience I've found that with shaking the dirt those pesky balls from the nut grass drop back into the bed. I'll compost it all before I return it to a bed. I have some really sweet plants to stick in there once it is all ready. I worked around the existing Desert Willow, a red yucca, some ornamental grasses, a white gaura (covered with aphids, but I sprayed it) and a lovely recumbent pink verbena. New will be some penstemon and lamb's ears.

It felt so good to get that exercise! A neighbor walked by, out with her dog. She said they had concluded I must do all of this gardening for therapeutic reasons. Partly that, but mostly because I just enjoy the work.

I'm going to dig a bed outside my bedroom window :) but the soil there is still too gooshy from the rain. Maybe by mid-week it will be a bit fluffier. I have so many projects that I'll probably never run out of them in all of the time I live here in this house, and that's fine with me! I enjoy anticipating how much better it will look each year.

Are there any gardeners on this thread who don't like the work? (I'm not talking about August 5th when it's a f**king 113 out and you have to go mow the lawn).