The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69359   Message #1177019
Posted By: Allan C.
03-May-04 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Feeling ignored: Mudcat Product Request
Subject: RE: Feeling ignored: Mudcat Product Request
I hesitate to bother responding to a nameless Bystander; but here it is:

I don't blame michaelr for posting the tread. We are all pretty much accustomed to extremely rapid responses from most companies with whom we deal. Unfortunately, as we have discovered, this is not always possible at Camsco's one man operation. I do, however, think you do Camsco a disservice through your final statement. Dick is a businessman after all. He will make his best effort toward finding obscure recordings whenever possible. However, sometimes such research involves lots of time on the internet as well as email exchanges, PM's, faxes and even some book research. I think it is reasonable to assume that Dick's time is worth something. Sometimes, in terms of time spent, the process by which a recording can be made available, arrives at a point of diminished returns. Think about it. If you were to spend hours of your time researching the availability of a cassette tape that sells for a profit of $2.00, (or even sometimes at no profit whatsoever,) at what point would you decide that such research was not worth your time?

What if Dick were to tack on charges for his research time? Would you pay it? From what I have experienced thus far in my dealings with Camsco, Dick is the one who often winds up getting the bad end of the deal. Nonetheless, he often goes out of his way to look into such recordings for no other reason (that I can see) than that he loves doing it.

So, yes, do "bother" to ask him to find rare recordings. However, don't be surprised if he should decide that locating such a recording would be more difficult than he could reasonably handle or would cost you more than you might be willing to pay.