The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69287   Message #1177062
Posted By: Chief Chaos
03-May-04 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: Time Travel
Subject: RE: Time Travel
It's funny but I think that I'd like to go back and spend time with my Grandfather when he was a boy. He did some pretty insane stuff (playing monkeybars with the roof beams three stories above the pews in a presbyterian church, canoeing very close to Niagra falls and camping out on one of the islands there). I'd also kind of like to see how my mom and dad grew up.

I'd like to go back in time to when my wife was a little girl and protect her from some of the things she experienced (ain't I romantic!)

There are a few regrets I'd like to undo, and a few crimes I'd probably commit when I knew I (the past me) had a great alibi. Confuse the hell out of a few detectives. Probably stuff a few ballots in Miami in 2000 as well!