The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68582   Message #1177238
Posted By: David Ingerson
03-May-04 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Goodbye Merritt (Herring)[April 2004]
Subject: RE: Obit: Goodbye Merritt
The frankness with which Merritt approached life is another aspect of his personality that was so refreshing and inspiring. I happened to be there about ten hours before he died, just as the nurse was leaving. The nurse told Kit, Merritt's wife, it would be just a few days at most before he died. A few minutes later, as Kit was leaving, she told Merritt what the nurse had said. He nodded.

Several days after he died, I mentioned, in an email to Kit, being impressed at the openness of that exchange. Here is part of what Kit answered:

I certainly couldn't have done it without Merritt's honesty. When he decided not to have transfusions anymore, and we knew it would be only a couple of weeks before he passed, I asked him, "what shall we call this? 'Buying the farm, checking out?'" He said, "let's just call it death." and we did.

He had a clear eye and an honest heart.
