The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69305 Message #1178170
Posted By: GUEST,An English Patriot
05-May-04 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: May Day
Subject: RE: May Day
Its interesting to see how our labour leaders are spending May Day. New Statesman asked Tony Blair how he would be spending May Day and a No 10 spokesman said that Blair had nothing planned. They asked Ken Livingstone and he said he would be helping organise Respect, the concert that helps promote (ostensibly) multi-culturalism, which, when you think about it, has nothing to do with the working class or the Labour movement. You can be a die-hard free-market Friedmanite and still believe in multi-culturalism. When two such prominent Labour politicians cannot give a damn about Labour day, what does that say about the Labour movement?