The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69427   Message #1178367
Posted By: GUEST
05-May-04 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you like about Kerry?
What's wrong with feminist remarks? Feminists make them all the time.

There was a very interesting news story shown here in Minnesota yesterday on Kerry. Now, I already can't remember if Kerry was speaking here, it might have been New Mexico? Anyway, he was speaking to a group of terrorist NEA educators, and one actually terrorized him, which I enjoyed the fucking hell out of. She is an anti-war, anti-militarism mother of a soldier currently serving in Iraq. And her question to him was, why, when I as a mother, and I as a teacher, do everything in my power to educate children not to use violence to solve their problems, should we support you, when your stand on the Iraq war is the same as George Bush's?

I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!! She seriously kicked some ass in that "photo op".

Kerry gave his same old, same old lame ass "I've been to war, and I know..." crap response. He said "I would have executed this war differently than George Bush..." and you could even hear a few moans from the crowd when he said it.

Kerry is a loser. He is likely going to lose this election because he is a LOUSY presidential candidate for the Democrats, and deep down inside, every Democrat knows it, but is pretending like it isn't really true. The Democrats are grasping at straws, and trying to come up with some lie they can spin about how good Kerry would be for this country.

In other words, the Democrats have parked themselves in denial mode for the duration. Billions will be spent on the presidential election industry this year (just like they school testing industry makes billions off more and more school testing), and for no good fucking reason whatsoever.

And frankly, there were plenty of us union members who WON'T support Kerry BECAUSE of his stands on trade. How about Kerry comes up with a policy that says FUCK NAFTA AND GATT? How about Kerry gets on the right fucking side of the trade and globalization issues, instead of dancing with the robber barons?