The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69452   Message #1178789
Posted By: George Papavgeris
05-May-04 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: World peace possible.
Subject: RE: BS: World peace possible.
In my kind, it is not religion, or system or government, that is making a peaceful world hard to achieve, but it is rather down to people, whether individually or collectively.

A religion, or system or government, may have teachings, or rules, that are benevolent. But it is its adherents that give it interpretations that suit their ends. And it is individuals that will call on their "god" willy-nilly to justify their actions - from crazed serial killers to leaders of nations, but individuals all the same. And it is individuals that will allow themselves to be led into a mob that lynches/condemns collectively.

That is why it is useless to condemn a religion (as in "a set of beliefs") based on the actions of its followers. It is an easy way of pigeonholing people we don't know, but it achieves little in our effort to improve things, because it focuses our efforts on eradicating/controlling/amending a system, and away from the need to improve people.

Every religion, and every system of government, has evil people purporting to be its followers. No exceptions, not even in the most overtly "pacifist" of systems. Evil has no religion and no country.

The only way to address the problem is to improve people's education levels. It takes effort, money and time. And it is often a thankless task, because human greed will always be there to cut through all the learning for its own aims. But education is still the only effective tool.