The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69093   Message #1178900
Posted By: dianavan
05-May-04 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Supermarkets destroying Communities
Subject: RE: BS: Supermarkets destroying Communities
My comment was not anti-semitic it was anti-Martinic. Do you always take comments out of context? Read the last line of that post for further clarification.

You have called me and many others a variety of names but somehow you seem to be able to justify that. Whats the difference if I decide to call you a name or label you based on your system of beliefs? I refrain from doing that, Martin, because you will just hide behind your religion and point at me and cry foul. Poor baby!

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Be careful Martin, in the future you may be the object of some pretty nasty name-calling yourself. Maybe thats why you feel so smug when you are able to do that on the internet. Would you dare to be so vile in person? I doubt it. You might think it but you are too much of a coward to ever let anyone know your opinions, face to face. The reason your capacity to care about others is so limited is that you are so needy yourself. Your mother must have been a real nightmare. If you were a child, I would have some pity but since you are just another greedy, self-serving, adult, I only despise you.