The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13996   Message #118003
Posted By: Barbara
27-Sep-99 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: What is a hummer?
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
Isn't it also slang for a really fast pitch, and a great big honking loogie?
Just wondering
And those of you who don't live with hummingbirds, do you know they're called that because they actually make a sort of buzzing zzzzzzzzzzip as they divebomb you (and every other time)? The noisiest ones around here are the Rufous Hummingbirds, and they go zzzzzzzzzzzzziiiinnnnng! (like they had bells on). Amazing birds. Large moths are bigger. Ours all packed off for warmer climes about three weeks ago.