The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69549   Message #1180175
Posted By: Wolfgang
07-May-04 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr add/req: Rumpsy bumpsy tooralee
Subject: Lyr add/req: Rumpsy bumpsy tooralee
I know this song from Mike Waterson's singing on the 'Mighty River of Song' compilation CDs.

It is the same song basically as the Carter family's Wop she 'ad it-io that is already in the DT. However it is so different that I do not understand all even with the DT lyrics for comparison. This below is my attempt at a transcription, full of errors and missing bits/lines. I'd be glad for any corrections.


First time I went to courting why, I didn't do too well.
Anny Mick was skinny malink and (mine were?) Tommy Bell.
Why, her father catched me courting her and after me he run
and he says if I catch thee with her again I shall whack thee round the bum...

Chorus: ...psy tooralee me titty falloora lee me,
rumpsy bumpsy diddledee umpsy rumpsy tooralee.

So me and the lass while we chitting and chatting we thought about a plan
and I got meself a ladder it were twenty rungs and ten.
I put it up at her window sill and says now me love I've come
and then me foot slipped through the window and I tumbled and cut me bum...

So they took me to the surgery that been so very near
well, she say, whatever have you done, I says I've cut me rear.
Well she says you've cut your ____ I ______ _______ it was done
I says me foot slipped through the window and I tumbled and cut me bum...

So she took me into the doctor there I told me case
while he looked so very gloom while he stared me in the face.
Well, he thought I was making a fool of him a fool of him by gum
but he made a far bigger fool of me when he turpentined me bum...

So they took me home in a wheelbarrow that I didn't care
for as we tumbled down the street the people at me stared
and all the kidsformed chorus and after me they run
shouting here comes a man with his leg in a sling and he's only got half a bum...

Funny courting gone wrong songs are found all over Europe. A (Platt/Low)German example is Trina, kumm mal vör de Döör
