The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69464   Message #1180820
Posted By: GUEST,khandu's mommy
07-May-04 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday MOAB!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday MOAB!!!
How dare you do this? How can you laud that terrible thread which has caused so much embarassment to Mississippi and the family of khandu? Through "MOAB", khandu humiliated us before the whole earth! We cannot even walk the streets of Carrollton without having people snicker at us and make taunting remarks.

Fortunately, his drunken, no-account shiftless father and I have managed to put khandu away where he can live in his deluded world safely, without internet access . It was a difficult decision but it had to be done.

But you people will not let his creation die! Thus the humiliation continues.

Is there no grace? No mercy?

Stop this ungodly virus my son has unleashed before matters get even worse!

khandu's mommy,
Queen of the Eternal Dark World of Astartartia of the Nebulous Uter of Wigley