The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13996   Message #118140
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Sep-99 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: What is a hummer?
Subject: RE: What is a hummer?
Annap, it's because, in the patriarchal world of old, and even of today in some places, enjoying sex was against the control of the church. It meant women, might choose to be free, instead of subservient wombs.

In all cases, the church wanted to have complete control of its "sheep", esp. the women. By making sex, for anything other than procreation, supposedly dirty, evil, and abhorrent, people lived in fear and under the thumb of their priest or church elders. Some still do.

Some are so rigidly into the only for procreation bit that they actually never experience the pleasure of it; they approach it as a necessary duty; then, if they are brave hypocrits, they fly in the face of their convictions and go have sex with a "filthy whore" without ever admitting any pleasure. All the while, their women at home remain "pure" in the eyes of them and their "lord".

The Puritans were great at such self-denial; effectively cutting themselves off from any physical pleasures. I believe our country still suffers from such a legacy.
