The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69543   Message #1181459
Posted By: Deckman
08-May-04 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: An interesting Steinbeck comment!
Subject: RE: BS: An interesting Steinbeck comment!
I've just returned from a two day trip. When I posted this thread, I suspected that Steinbeck would generate some good thoughts and good comments. I'm going to make a HUGE leap in subject here, but I will make it pertinent to this subject:

I was visitng a person I've known for years. Like many of us, we all have light and dark sides to ourselves and our actions. I knew something of this person's dark sides, but this weekend, I learned far more than I ever wanted to know. Many "bubbles" were burst, if you will. As this person told me details of past events, I realized, again, that I can no longer bury my head in the sand about several prominant persons I've known for years. Some of these persons are/were well known politions.

My point is this: I can NO LONGER afford the luxury of believing what I read in the press, or the public image. (I told you I would try to make this pertinent to this thread).

It's clear to me that this sham war in Iraq is finally starting to unravel. As an American citizen, I sick and tired of being manipulated. I'm tired of it ... I MEAN I'M TIRED OF IT!!!! Bob