The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69545   Message #1181808
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
09-May-04 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: The Beatles and Folk Group
Subject: RE: The Beatles and Folk Group
Thanks Eric. I was making this query on behalf of a friend of mine. He was in a record shop in Chorley, Lancs, UK, recently when this guy walks in and tells the Granada/Beatles story. He was in the folk group that I'm trying to identify. My friend wasn't sure if he was on the level i.e. telling the truth. I said that I'd make enquires for him. The only memory I have of The Beatles Granada appearances was the amazingly - for the time - cheeky and irreverent manner they adopted during interviews. Apart from Bill Grundy, Irish presented Gay Byrne also interviewed ( more of a casual chat, really )The Beatles on the show.