The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69549   Message #1182719
Posted By: Jim Dixon
10-May-04 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr add/req: Rumpsy bumpsy tooralee
Subject: RE: Lyr add/req: Rumpsy bumpsy tooralee
The running joke in this song is that the singer always avoids saying "bum"—the expected word according to the rhyme scheme—by instead singing the nonsense chorus, "Bumpsy toralee...."

The way it's printed at Reinhard Zierke's Watersons page makes this a bit more clear:There are many other songs that use the same device, e.g. the kids' song Miss Susie [or Lucy] Had a Steamboat.

Wouldn't it spoil the joke to use the even stronger word "arse" elsewhere in the same song? (At least it seems stronger to me; what would a native British-English speaker say?)