The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #1183329
Posted By: Charley Noble
11-May-04 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam
A water, a water, anywheres,
Nor any a drops for drinks.

Verse from Ethiopia student in 1966, or maybe just wistful thinking on the part of his teacher.

We used a bucket shower in Emdeber, in Ethiopia in the 1960's. You know, you had to heat up on the fireplace two buckets of water, one for soaping, and the other for rinsing. We had an empty bucket with a shower head attached to the bottom hanging from the center post in our shinta-bet, which was used as a shower room. It was a small round hut, encased in bamboo like the main house, with a concrete floor, a throne for other functions, but also served nicely for showers. Never had any problem with water pressure.

Charley Noble