The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69670   Message #1183478
Posted By: Amergin
12-May-04 - 12:45 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Stillborn Angel
or at least that is what i'll call it for now....

anyways some one i know at another board was pregnant...31 weeks and was really excited and looking forward to being a mother...then she went into labour early...and the child was still born...I read her blog and from ecstatic joy it went to devestation...anyways i wrote this and was wondering what others thought of it before I showed it to her...which it may yet be too soon....but anyways:

(tune: Carrickfergus)

I wish I had you for one more day,
Just to hold you in my arms
I would fly across the heavens,
For one more night to be with you,
But the sea is wide and I cannot cross over
And neither have I the wings to fly
I'll have to wait til my time is over
Til I may join you among the stars

Every waking day bring back sad reflections
Of happy times that seem long ago,
When I would look forward to your coming
When you'd be with us, my own sweet babe.
Now I spend my days in endless mourning,
My heart is broken, the tears run free.
I sit staring at your empty bedroom,
Sometimes I see your sleeping form

But I know, that you are watching,
From above, a glistening star
As we stand here with dampened eyes
Laying your body into your grave.
And then you sprout wings, my little angel,
And fly to greet your loving god,
Oh, the time will come when I'll be with you
Then I'll hold you tightly and never let go

nathan tompkins