The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69656   Message #1183970
Posted By: Don Firth
12-May-04 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's worth the money?
Subject: RE: BS: What's worth the money?
All of the above. But how about a computer operating system that simply does what you want it to do, no more, no less? It doesn't try to anticipate your needs by doing such things as making icons on a toolbar disappear because you don't use them all that often, and then, when you do need them, they're not there anymore; or assume that some unusual format you used for on document is the format you want to use for all documents; or when you change the size of an unmaximized window, every window you pop up from then on is the same size (and insists on staying that size no matter what you do); will recognize all the devices you have attached to your computer (such as a 3 ½" floppy drive, which someone somewhere has decided is obsolete), not just the ones that have been installed within the past three months; and on, and on, an on ad nauseum? Windows XP has a lot going for it, but it tends to wander off into traffic like a two-year-old child (as in "the terrible twos").

(Bill Gates probably uses a Mac.)

Don Firth