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Thread #68521   Message #1184096
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-May-04 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Clearly the Mexicans are seeing objects that are not light effects, but solid, intelligently maneuvering vehicles, both by day and by night. Since their media is not controlled (or unduly influenced) in regards to how it deals with that situation, they are drawing the obvious conclusions that we have visitors. This is good.

The CIA, the USAF, the White House, the Pentagon, and the FBI decided in the late '40's that it would be best to deal with sightings of alien or unexplained flying vehicles in the following fashion: deny them outright, explain them away somehow to the public, or ridicule the ordinary people who reported them. They decided this because they honestly believed that it was the best way to protect (a)the public and (b) themselves!!! from a very embarassing and potentially disastrous situation. Namely:

1. American airspace was being entered at will by unknown vehicles for unknown purposes....those vehicles might be Russian (very scary thought in the late 40's when the Cold War was ramping up and paranoia was already extreme...or they might be extraterrestrial...even more scary thought. If they were extraterrestrial, were they "communist" or potential friends of the "Commies"! (Yeah, it sounds ridiculous, but it didn't to the Cold Warriors in the 40's and 50's, believe me.)

2. The Air Force seemed to have no effective means of shooting down or controlling those vehicles or preventing them violating American air space.

3. The unknowns might be abducting American citizens, again for unknown purposes, and they might be planning a full scale invasion.

4. The Army, Navy, and Air Force apparently had no weapons or systems capable of doing much, if anything, about it.

5. If the public were to realize the helplessness of the government and armed forces regarding the unknown visitors it would possibly cause a general panic, and certainly cause a tremendous loss of public confidence in their military and political leaders.

6. Accordingly, it was deemed absolutely vital to keep wraps on the whole business until the government and military found a way to re-establish control over their own airspace.

They have so far failed to do that...56 years later!

Now if you tell one lie, you must soon tell more lies to cover that one. If you tell a thousand lies, you must tell 10,000 more to cover those...and so it goes. The longer you lie, the more catastrophic is the loss of prestige and authority when you finally admit publicly to those lies.

And that is why the lid is kept so tightly on this whole affair by the government, the military, the science community, and the media.

Perfectly sincere and well-intentioned people have been convinced that they are protecting the public by lying to them. Other perfectly sincere people have simply bought the official line that there are no alien vehicles. Most of those who know better, and are in high postions are keeping their mouths shut about it, partly for their own safety.

That is very unfortunate.

The Mexicans are not subject to the same controls in regards to this matter, so in that respect (if not in some others) they are a freer society than the USA or Canada.

It might be of interest to some that the President of Brazil in 1958 stated publicly (on Feb 21/58) that daylight photos taken of several flying saucer type vehicles by Brazilian Navy personnel on Jan 6/58 were legitimate and authentic. The photos were taken by the Brazilian sailors and immediately afterward they were developed in the ship's darkroom with the Captain Alberto Bacellar witnessing the whole process to ensure that it was done without tampering. The ship was the Almirante Saldanha. 48 seamen, the ship's captain, and some civilian observers all saw the UFOs and considered them to be alien vehicles of some kind.

This was a rare case of a head of state and a Naval authority breaking the code of silence that has effectively been established over much of the World's media regarding such incidents.

Most people will easily believe or not believe whatever they are told to believe or not believe by the existing authorities. They will ignore what the media ignores. They will repeat what the media says. In that manner a coverup is maintained through the same old methods...deny, explain away, and ridicule.

Now, someone whose sense of emotional security depends on ridiculing me for saying such disturbing things will probably show up here on this thread shortly to's easy to debunk...Just yell words like "Nonsense! Balderdash! Tripe! Bullshit!" and go on ignoring the enormous backlog of existing evidence of UFO's and the eyewitness reports of hundreds of thousands of people in countries not quite as well controlled as your own...

Or...stop being afraid, for heaven's sake! It's an opportunity for profound change and advancement of the whole human race, not a threat to your existence. If it were any threat, we would have been conquered long ago.

- LH