The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69682   Message #1184164
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
12-May-04 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Patons get Folk Alliance Legacy Life Membership
Subject: RE: Sandy & Caroline Paton get FA Lifetime Achievement
Great news!! Congratulations on the honor.

We should clarify the name of this thread, however. The FA has a separate Lifetime Achievement Award. Each year at the annual conference two artists are recognized for that, based on a selection from a committee.

What Sandy & Caroline received is a LEGACY LIFE MEMBERSHIP. They have received lifetime MEMBERSHIP in the Folk Alliance, and the really nice thing about this is that the members of the Alliance make individual donations to meet the goal, it is not a committee decision. Members of the Alliance nominate candidates and then the membership will send in their donations.

Art Thieme, Utah Phillips and Rosalie Sorrels have also received this honor, and Jack Hardy and Carolyn Hester have been nominated and are working towards the goal.

It is a great fundraiser for the Folk Alliance and a great way for MEMBERS to honor individuals who have given so much to us.