The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69682   Message #1184235
Posted By: Art Thieme
12-May-04 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Patons get Folk Alliance Legacy Life Membership
Subject: RE: Patons get Folk Alliance Legacy Life Membership
I finished my laundry finally!

What I was trying to say in the starting post for this thread is that CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER FOR SANDY AND CAROLINE PATON. Yes, their fans all over, fans of their Folk Legacy Records all over, fans of roots music all over, fans of Kendall Morse, Bill Staines, Hattie Presnell, Ray Hicks, Gordon Bok, Ed Trickett, Fleming Brown, Frank Proffitt, Anne Mayo Muir Graf, Lee Monroe Presnell, Hedy West, J. Golden Kimball, Jerry Rasmussen, Joan Sprung, Helen Schneyer, the Boarding Party, Jonathan Eberhart, Paddy Tunny, Bob and Ron Copper, Lucy Simpson, Richard Chase, Grant Rogers, Hobart Smith, Cindy Kallett---my fans too --- hell, FANS OF EVERYBODY ELSE ON FOLK LEGACY RECORDS as well. They've gotten together and secured this honor, this LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP in the Folk Alliance, for two of the best   folks to ever love, collect, preserve and sing this music that is the bedrock basis of what we do.

Thinking back, I now see that one of the luckiest and best things that ever happened to me was a result of my choosing to go to a Sunday afternoon hootenanny at the great Chicago folk nightclub called The Gate Of Horn back in 1959. Sandy Paton, freshly returned from England, showed us the musical treasures that he got from incandescent singers like the McPeake family and Jeanie Robertson. I'll never be able to thank my girlfriend back then enough for, among other things, hauling me over to the Gate Of Horn the first time ;-) to hear something called "an Odetta". I kept going back there until I heard Sandy sing about two months later.

People, just know that I love Sandy and Caroline Paton. I can never thank them enough for making me a part of their wonderful record label, for putting up with me, and for putting me up all those times I had no mid-week work when I was gigging/touring on the East Coast. No two ways about it, those were the best of times !

Love from us both. Nobody deserves a tribute like this more.

All our love,

Art and Carol