The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69457   Message #1184257
Posted By: reggie miles
12-May-04 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Seattle Folklife Memorial Day Weekend
Subject: RE: Seattle Folklife Memorial Day Weekend
What next? They're probably going to tell us that we can't busk without a permit and fee!

With all of the volunteer effort that has gone into that event for years and years to make it fly, by the local folks like you and I, who get paid nothing for our energy and time to make the event happen, why do they now want to exact more from us in the way fees for selling our own CDs?!

In my case I've had to produce just about every aspect of my recordings, my art and graphics work as well as music. Nothing was farmed out. Just so I could afford to create the dern things.

I understand that this is the first year in a long while that the festival will actually not be operating in the red. So wouldn't ya think it would be a nice gesture on their part to allow those who are volunteering their efforts to be a part of the event to be exempt from such fees? You know, as a way of saying thanks for all of the support this year. I guess their way of saying thanks is just the opposite.


One young performer with quite a following was actually booted from the festival last year for selling his own CDs while busking! I know this guy, and have sat in a bit with him as he played. This action on the part of the festival organizers was shameful. I don't think that there is anything wrong with casual CD sales by the performers. It's a very special and personal treat to be able to purchase directly from a performer. Making CD sales a separate function by including third party retailers to the festival, that hike the price of recordings to get their piece of the sales pie, is fine for those who do not wish to deal with the task of carrying and offering CDs for sale, and there are many who are willing to use this service, but I don't think the organizers need to be discouraging CD sales by performers who do not wish to use these services, and further, to send away folk performers for choosing not to make use of these services. It's disgraceful, and the penny pinching, thoughtless, and heartless bureaucrat(s) who thought this action was a way of promoting folk music should get a clue!

End of rant