The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66696   Message #1184312
Posted By: Bobert
12-May-04 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oil will run out
Subject: RE: BS: Oil will run out
Well gol danged tree huggin' commies, far as I can see... Well, I went tdown to the Hummer dealer but they is back ordered 6 months so what I do? Well, I'll tell ya... Seein' as Dick Cheney thinks we need to consume more oil to keep America great I had to do my part so Iz taken to drivin' my 1976 M880 military truck everywhere I need to go and leaving the Toyota parked... Hey, this is America. Home of the brave an' land of the free and I gotta burn up a hundred gallons of oil a week then no pinko gay marriage supportin' commie gonna stand in my way unless they wanta get their bell bottomed, Red Book readin', flower child seffs driven over by my 7 mph M880. No sir! This is America, dang it...

Hey, answer me this one if you will... If it wasn't important to burn up this oil as fast as we can then how comes the Big Three auto makers are bilding so many 500 horsepower cars and SUV's? Yeah answer me that one and don't go bad mouthin' Henry Ford either 'cause he was a good American. Yep, answer me that one, will ya?

Stroker Ace Bobert (new and improved)