The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69657   Message #1184885
Posted By: Kim C
13-May-04 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Indeed, I am a Her, and I will admit to being ignorant of a good many things. I will also admit I am confused about the Al Qaeda/Iraq connection/non-connection.

What you're saying then, is AQ doesn't really give a rip about Iraq, they're just using it as a political football, as it were; taking advantage of the situation. That ain't very nice. I'll admit I hadn't really thought about that. Someone else earlier mentioned that the execution squad likely would have killed Berg, or anyone else who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, regardless of the prison scandal, that they just used that for a handy excuse.

Aren't some of the AQ members from Iraq? Or are most of them from other countries? Mister did make the comment the other day that a good number of the people fighting against us there are not themselves Iraqis.

Gets more muddled by the moment, don't it?

Y'all, please don't be calling each other Nazis and the like. It makes bad medicine and negative energy and I think there's already quite enough of that to go around. Try to disagree like gentlemen. I know your mamas taught you manners.